The Barefoot Counselor


My name is Lei Rhyne, and I am a Licensed Professional Expressive Art Counselor in Peachtree City. I specialize in addressing trauma, anxiety, grief, and depression, providing support to both women and men with a focus on fostering empowerment. However, I am also a wounded healer, a foodie, an artist, a daughter, a mother, a grandmother, a former educator, a former psychometrist, a hiker, a traveler, and I am also known as the barefoot counselor. Why the barefoot counselor? Because I hardly ever wear shoes. So, if you have a foot phobia, I’m probably not the person for you, but if you want to go deep, meditate, ground yourself, explore your emotions and feelings, and express them through art, movement, music, poetry, and writing, Then I am definitely the therapist for you!

Since 2016, I have kept this blog pretty sterile. Just posting information about educational consulting, psychology, and a few tidbits about myself.

Things are about to change. I’m putting myself out there.
This is ME!

I am an Expressive Art Therapist who specializes in trauma. I work with all populations, but I feel that my strengths lie in working with individuals that are experiencing a challenging life transition, existential crisis, trauma, and/or grief.

My goal is to guide you through a journey of self-discovery and empowerment, in order to find your voice and embrace your uniqueness. I work with domestic and sexual abuse victims, adult children of alcoholics, and adult children of abuse. I also work with children who are unable to emotionally regulate themselves because they are dealing with grief, loss, anxiety, and/or depression.



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